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domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2013

Let`s get started witht the technic fall (summer) sets

As you know, the technic sets that has been released this summer are a lot intresting.
Whe have two off roaders and two trucks.

I've built up a replica of the 42005 monster truck with only my LEGO parts. I tooked parts from the Unimog, the 4X4 crawler and the 2011 supercar. It is orange and black, and with the Unimog big tires it looks incredible. 

I am not secure abut buyying the 42009 mobile crane MKII, I should wait for the 2014 wave; one of the technic builders has been updated his profile: he said that his favourite set that has created was...


So, I thing that this set will be intresting...

Bye guys, see you later!

Finalment em canvio a l'anglès...

Decididament, crec que l'Angl'es serà més útil per al  blog, així que ara les meves entrades i publicacions seràn en anglès. Potser perquè hi han més paraules relacionades amb LEGO... no ho sé.

Així que qui vulgui seguir eln blog, que sàpiga que apartir d'ara serà en anglès.